Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Finale of Faith Freedom Indonesia War

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The Movie "Kingdom of Heaven" depiction of Muslim's victory over siege of Jerusalem in 1187, putting an end to the Second Crusade and threw Byzantine Empire into Ayyubid Dynasty's influence.

......... I don't know what happened exactly, but an image similar with the picture above popped right into my head when I read this news...


Situs anti islam yang beralamat di mulai tanggal 19/11/2008 resmi ditutup oleh admin dan modratornya.

Ketika mengunjungi alamat website tersebut, maka dihalaman depan ditampilkan pesan permintaan maaf dari admins/modrator forum tersebut atas berbagai keresahan yang telah ditimbulkannya selama ini ditengah-tengah masyarakat.

Berikut adalah kutipan tertulis yang bisa kita temukan ketika mengunjungi situs web forum tersebut.

Mulai hari ini tanggal 19 Nov 2008, admins/moderators menutup forum ini demi terciptanya keharmonisan beragama di Indonesia. Forum ini adalah milik dan dikelola oleh, Dr. Ali Sina. Dengan ini admins/moderators tidak lagi terlibat dalam bentuk apapun dalam forum ini, dan meminta maaf bila kehadiran forum ini telah meresahkan masyarakat Indonesia.


So......... it has finally over.
The long war against blind Islam haters and Indonesian atheists of Faith Freedom Indonesia has finally over.........

...... I'm glad.
....................... heaven only smiled to one who is right and just.

And so this feud has finally over, as this cursed site, has finally fallen silent.

Of course, I know it's too early to feel safe.

There is a lot of similar websites out there.

Yet, we may have won this battleground. But the battleground is not merely a one site.

Friendster, Topix, Forums, perhaps even major ones like Kaskus, Chatrooms, Mailing Lists, Blogs.... and some of the shards of that blasted website....

Foolish, shameless and reckless haters of this noble religion have no right saying themselves as christians nor another religion. Any religion will teach their followers to respect others, instead of brainless insults! Some of my uncles and aunts are christians, some of my best friends are christians. Therefore I cannot let my religion nor the religion of christ fell into these immoral bunch!

.... This war against the hater of Islam and those who are afraid of Islam will never end, will it?

No matter, I don't care how long does it takes.
As long as fitnah against Islam is on the website, I shall continue striving against them.


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